my last day of 2008
and now as usual, i am fighting with TIME.
back to this, my new year resolutions??
my flower, painted with full of everything.
my flower, painted with full of everything.
of late, i have been a messy girl. it is really difficult when a perfectionist is stuck in a procrastinators body. i've been prolly TOO busy that i have been so messy and kid you not, my world is a mess!
and some not needed extras. my car is a cum shoe shelf. i have around 10 pairs in my car and around 5 pairs in his.
actually, i have more than this nonsense to update. but im super busy now. stay tuned folks
so my friend told me that Media Literacies results were out. and my heart again beats doook doook. weird how i was never fond of that subject. talking marxism and all these ideologies. and i was like 'HAH'! it made me even utter, "oh boy irene, how are you going to pull through this". fact is, no matter what i know i will somehow pull through BUT this sub made me think 3 times if i could. but honestly, i never thought i'd do this good for this sub. because whats better than a HD?
p.s. i gave myself an early christmas present. its called self satisfaction. (=
p.s. do you hear what i hear, said the voluptuous girl to the world.
it goes like la la la lalala