Friday, January 23, 2009

off to langkawi

its when you feel the butterflies zooming around like made butterflies in your tummy..
its when you smile so big believe me, any bigger would just split your mouth..
its when your heart races so fast that you're like a cheetah to the finish line but in this case, there isn't any..
its when you know you are happy, all for love's sake.

then you tell yourself you're in love..........
and it became one

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

the after taste

the sick feeling.
and then the taste that lingers in your mouth?
here's the deal.
i hate the sore throat feeling.
because it scares me, do i have to pull out my tonsils?
they're big like googly eyes.
dear throat,..
opening my mouth and having a look at my gi-nor-mous tonsils freaks the day lights off me! why must you be sore? was eating too much mandarin mini oranges not to your liking? if so, why didnt you tell me any sooner? i drank so much of water, i thought you'd be fine. i hate you, do you know that. i do. so much. because you made my day so screwed up. i felt like there was something wrong with me, but i found out...its you, YOU! you made my body fail on me leaving me to sleep like a pig. but thank god for something called medicine that would kill the sore you've put me through the whole damn day. screw you.
love, body.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

think thank thought?

i dont know if i made the right decision.
wait, i had a choice.

but what about the road not taken?

p.s. it is obvious or i will shove my fist in her face; gently, not.

Friday, January 16, 2009

itu ia dipanggil ran.dom

out of the 'i dont know how many folders' in my pc, i extracted these.
its memories; old and new.
enjoy the running commentary

haloween party, dont ask why there were feathers on our heads instead of devil horns.
it was "so-cool" it seems.

nice long black thick hair, something i cant seem to have now.
no, it was just about my hair, not ass.

if you only saw the pictures captured before and after this shot.
jokes aside, i was shit scared!
heck, we all tumbled. good fun, must try.

we used to go to this academy, cheap stuff & nice results.
but sit there like a soh por because the students take forever to get it right.
and believe you me, i make a better hair-washer than them.

click to enlarge.
you see a trans there? yea, the one in the polkadotta dress.
gag me. pretty trans la right.

bunny hearts cat
playing with the sun.
its when you're half way walking..drop things, yank camera out
action, snapped.

i look like a special child so fascinated with bawwwoooonss!
very random shot, who knew i had potential in playing these parts?

on lover's bday and believe you me, the shot was better off dim.
because the previous shots, bobos grandes was shouting, HELLO, SAVE ME FROM HERE!

ah, girlies night.
i miss sybil, yup the fine lady on the far right.
and it was awesome posom yo!

i like this picture when it is not up close.
as enlarging it, you get to see my bracey face and my eye colour gone wrong.
well, it was the age where you experiment.
but i kept my eyes, they are back to its original colour.

this was the 1u moments before christmas.
actually, i didnt look all that bad in braces, with exceptions that i smiled like the above.
and not like the picture below because then its just wrong.
called gigi besi and what not.

then you take turns.
first me then her.
aha, now straight teeth.
our crazy weekends; wash hair - must

they say im inlove with myself.
i say three hip hip hooraaaa!!!!

black hair you see, because we were still in school.
taken at kong kong's 100th bday.

so when you wait for people, example: drunkards.
you take nice shots.....

it was the pario phase.
no, not called towel, you dimbo!
and we had someone throw a comment at us.
oh well, im happy it was over too.
but damn, we stole the limelight.

look at my hair - wire GOSSSSSSS
and i never liked the pictures we took on that day.
but looking back at it, it was not bad at all.
i mean there's always something complimenting; nice complexion.

four years ago perhaps??
and i miss my hair.
noticed i've been talking alot about my hair?
yeah, thank the lord for better fringe.

cny ions ago.
who the toot asked me to do this?
well for the record

i like my candy bumm! no less.
this picture was labeled bitch thing.
you get it im guessing?

in pangkor with them, just after spm.
damn was it good times.

and lastly, my favorite.
we were so happy-go-lucky.
i like this picture, and i love the girls in it.

p.s. it was supposed to be, take one picture from each folder, nothing when as planned.

take one step at a time, there's no need to rush

last night, it was either chill out or party night.
but, i really enjoyed the chill out one.
yup, with lover and no one else.
the opportunity cost well, could be done on another night.
so massage, we went late at night.
and the fish spa at 12am was syok, i mean we had a tank each.
it was fun, no less.

in the car, and the song plays.
yearp, the one she heard.
remember? dancing in MOS.
the decease song something about you get what you give?
or am i crapping dots

i woke up pretty early today.
and its the weekend again.
remember weekenders?

why do i talk about things you dont understand?
why do i assume you do when i only have about a handful reading this nonsense?

i blog to amuse.
i blog goose nonsense.

and may i ask, why does facial products have to be so expensive?
and a bottle of well not even 50ml cost more than rm300?
whats in there? gold?

talking about sarcasm.
i was in pyramid with lover, and we passed a stall selling ratan bags.
i saw a pretty nice one, smaller than the one i have and i obviously thought of getting it.
how much can a bag in a stall cost?
somewhere those lines the convo takes place..

"pardon, how much is that bag?"
[up in my head, rm19.90] "what?"
"what is this bag made of?"

why the need to be sarcastic?
i got it from my pappa!

p.s. looking forward to another crazy weekend.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

my face looks like poop shit after drinking the tea

i show this painful face. cos i feel like throwing it all out.
shit......and how i am going to survive drinking this everyday?

anyway.....was wiping my leg in the toilet when it came to my mind

people walk, run, ski, jump and jog on my head; like a pathway.
but now i am awake, giving myself a good head massage.
yelling into my brain so it will wake up; but its tough,\
i manage too anyway and i dont care anymore.
i am not allowing them to do what they used to do.....

but i am still called names; selfish, ungrateful, heartless.
you name the ones you step on the ground and press hard.
so what do i do? still please the world or myself?

who do i fight for?
i fight for myself. or for the world?
or i fight like hell to be what god wants me to be?

i am sick of running this thing because im now panting like a dog.
i wished this was funny, it better be.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

a love note.

dear lover,

i miss you.
i need to see you soon.

cos damn, you make me laugh.
and i need that dose.

your lover xx

before i start reading and then fall off to sleep

i've so so so very much to talk about.....
my weekend.
the story book.
my hair cut.
the chaos.
my manic monday.
but i choose to X it all and talk about this instead....
a funny title.
but something that has been running like a crazy woman up in that big brain of mine..
jikalau lah, saya seorang lelaki - if i were a boy
matter of the problem of the chaos of the drama of the nonsense of the shit of the crap of it all
i will compromise, meaning i will let one week be mine, the other week - hers.
i will show my love - hold her hand, look into her eyes and compliment her.
i will not get angry; petty nonsense all i know is, she wants to be the winner so i give in.
lastly, i will put in the extra effort - the tiny one that doesnt make sense to anyone in the world but her.
i will talk to her, using my mouth not my eyes
because the silent killer war slowly but surely aches.
and i know it.
did i mention about being faithful?
nah, how can i get there.
p.s. im happy; irene's market is stable.

Friday, January 09, 2009

why do they call me a vain pot?


p.s. irene's share; higher.

im a natural flirt, not a twelve-year-old girl trying to flirt. - dont beg my pardon.

Thursday, January 08, 2009

bacn that fascinates me.

TAURUS - The Enduring One

[note: red and normal - facts, green and large - tickle me, blue and largest- nonsense, small bold - whoo haaa??]

Charming but aggressive. Can come off as boring, but they are not. Hard workers. Warm-hearted. Strong, has endurance. Solid beings who are stable and secure in their ways. Not looking for shortcuts. Take pride in their beauty. Patient and reliable. Make great friends and give good advice. Loving and kind. Loves hard - passionate. Express themselves emotionally. Prone to ferocious temper-tantrums. Determined. Indulge themselves often. Very generous. 12 years of bad luck if you do not forward.

so much,... before it leaves my head

i like this song by mika. something about i got to be blue, green, like me, violet.. along those lines
and believe it or not, i do not know the lyrics, playing on radio - i wished i was in my car to scream along. i mean there's no point singing along when i dont know the lyrics.
he just walked by and waved through the tinted glass. somehow it made me smile and i waved back.
i was thinking of a diff name, i mean aunty rose is too common and somehow i like the name rose and the sound of it. lets call her ms. ahol! i mean ms. asshole isnt too nice of me. and i dont fancy such a long winded name. so there you go, ms. ahol (pronounced as letter A + herl) believe you me, i love to slang names. my slang-ing skills pretty awesome. i can make a malay name sound so westernized. (=
so my bestie finally found the song she heard in my car. i mean the first time we heard it was in MOS, and dancing to it was a No No but we still did. and the next time she heard it was in my car, one CD only till today God knows what was the label, who's was it etc. and she was youtubing it till she found it. and now i get to drive in peace, not listening to the intros of songs only. but instead, the whole song of a cd. (= stalker bestie, you're one in a trillion. you've got the dreamer's desease. gah!
and now blogging things what wasnt in my head but just came to my mind, i forgot what was in my head before these new things came to mind. eh simple lar, i forgot what i was about to blog about. -_-
i like this song by abba, lay all your love on me. actually i like all their songs! and these songs, i sing along. no scream-a-long utter bull. now i mute it because calls are coming in (im answering), people talking, and the radio is playing. unmute and its the way i are.
remember at one time, i said i'd update if something happened. thing was, it never did. and false hope i had. i guess i will never meet him in my life, prolly my after life perhaps. and im still eager to see him. hopefully someday lah.
this is a triple must tell. my new maid arrived - erin delilah? sounds somewhat that. and i am just glad begining today, my family and i can go home to a clean home, and need not stress on chores. happy happy joy joy. and maybe she knows how to daun my hair? french pleats i mean. i've been yapping away..............
ms. ahol was not being too nice earlier, i popped my tablet. and now much better and hopefully it'll get better; that i dont have to leave work half day.
p.s. you get what you deserve.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009


i've been working - and no time for other things.
this 9 am to 6 pm job is quite a killer.....

on a different note, i got back all my results.
as in all 4 - IPD, RFP, GS, ML
and one replaced the other.
i traded in a D for a HD to cover up my C.
get the frame?
its like a tangga
HD, D, C, C
and it stopped just there

on a different note, i was thinking of getting another papillio.
or maybe a birkie's la, not something plain but something strikingly unique.
but mom said no more shoes, maybe she meant heels.
and i again, turn it upside down so i get it my wayyyyyyyyyyy......

geez, i've yet to upload about the christmas charity for the under privileged that i did.
and now christmas is gone, so is new years and its still not blogged about.
call me a backdated blogger, im busy working remember.
if im not at work, its either out catching up or home sleeping.
and did i tell you? i actually did a little spring clean in my room.
my desk looks like a desk, or rather its cleaner.
and i got an email, strange facts.
A pig's orgasm lasts for 30 minutes.

p.s. its beaf kuey teow for dinner tonight

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

i got my salary.

this year, im going to be a good girl.

learn how to save but at the same time reward myself, every month.

p.s. you got to make yourself feel good. (: