i am not crossing my fingers,...
i am just praying for a miracle to happen.
so did you know that..
PMS also stands for
Pissed at Men Syndrome?
mm, but right now, it is the other PMS im talking about. i tell you, its not funny at all. call me stupid, but though i know that every month without fail i get cramps, i always wait for the cramps to slowly knock and that's when i take the killers. and today, same shit. so last night, aunty rose said hello. and i said, hi. =/ i woke up in the morning, without cramps and though i was happy, i didnt want to take the risk, so i skipped class. yearp, it is a risk going to school and then having to drive my sick self home. so i went back to sleep and woke up to cramps. so i quickly took the killers and nothing new, i was in pain. i went to the toilet, seven times. SEVEN TIMES! dont even ask what i was doing in there, for a moment i just wanted a table to rest my head. i was falling asleep in the toilet, but somehow sitting on the throne was more comforting than lying on the bed. gah! drama mama i tell you, all the crying, eating on the bed, hot pack on the stomach, and eventually i fell asleep. and i woke up feeling happy, again. the killers worked! and so i missed school today. "/ and now i am feeling better, way better. so when will this end for me, i wonder.
p.s. dont malaysians know how to reply SMS'es, or do they need a question mark to indicate it needs a reply? [mind you, i have a friend and he only replies when there is a question mark in the message. and he is not malaysian]